
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lamenting the End of Summer

This was going to be the summer I wrote daily.

Epic fail.

However, that doesn't mean the summer was a failure. It just means I didn't write. It was, actually, a great, great summer.

God met me. He showed me stuff about myself. About the world. About how the world and I go together.

I read. TONS. There were many blogs and articles (I am a recovering magazine addict) and books. Just a few of the books were:

  • Interrupted and Seven by Jen Hatmaker
  • Kisses from Katie by Katie Davis of Amazima Ministry
  • Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kristoff and Sheryl WuDunn
My perspective is forever altered. I saw missionaries speak at various churches. I prayed about where God may or may not be stirring my heart. I am excited to move into the future.

In addition, I felt like God graciously granted my hubby and I joy in several areas that were draining the life out of us at the beginning of the year.

We hosted a family reunion for his family, so everyone could visit his parents at the Alzheimer's facility they now live in.

We threw a birthday party for my nephew.

We went to Disneyland.


The day after the last family member pulled away, we served the Lord.

There were bbq's and water parks and pool days and naps and I just LOVE, love, love summer.

I miss it already.