Over the years I have been mentored from afar by many great and talented people. People I have studied and learned from with (sometimes) very little contact. Others with a great deal of contact. I have asked many direct questions to fuel my growth and satisfy my thirst for knowledge. I have also watched subtleties in how different people interact with others.
I am so far from the person I want to be, but I am closer than I was before.
Much of my struggle as a human being is in the area of organization. I have spent hours reading blogs and books and magazines trying to change. Recently I have had a few tastes of doing things in an organized manner...I liked it.
The other night my hubby and I had the privilege of taking our turn to host a "Supper Club." For nearly a year 4 other couples have joined us every few months, as we potluck at each other's homes. It is a great time to gather and share and laugh. The husbands actually have as much fun as the wives do!
Sometimes PINTEREST can be my mentor. It can be the source that paints the picture for me of how I want my life to feel. I was actually organized for my company to come over...
Lately it seems like several people I have admired have either fallen off their pedestal or fallen on hard times.
Some I think..."I used to want to be like you, but I am not sure I feel that way anymore." Others, it is more like..."I still want my life to be like your life used to be."
I am in a time of transition. So far I have protected myself from filling the emptiness I face with filler. I am fighting the urge to avoid having nothing immediately replace the something I lost.
My life is actually already full. But loss can make me grasp for anything to hold on to. Part of this journey is learning to decipher the way people I admire look, and who they really are, and not worrying about how I look, but on who I really am.
Psalm 46:10 says: Be still, and know that I am God.
In being still, I give myself time to acquire wisdom. Sometimes it is wisdom I already possess. Sometimes it is wisdom I must seek out. "Walk with the wise and become wise, for the companion of fools suffers harm," Proverbs 20:13.
I want to be wise, and this summer I want to grow in wisdom. I will make that happen by:
- Reading materials written by wise people. Classic works of literature, blogs about subjects I am looking to grow in and most importantly I will read my Bible.
- Spending time with wise friends, and getting rid of useless words and conversation in my life.
- Simplifying. I want to clear out clutter so that my mind can be more clear.
- Serving HIM. I have a huge Brighten A Corner project coming up. This ALWAYS grows my character.
I am peaceful. I am excited. I will be growing...